Thanks to all of you who put eyeballs on Extra Big Scoop. I truly appreciate it.
Anyone who is interested in continuing to follow what I have to say is invited and encouraged to visit http://www.yjiblog.org/, which is the official blog of Youth Journalism International. I do a lot of posting there.
As you may know, YJI, founded by myself and my husband Steve Collins, is an educational, non-profit organization, a 501(c)(3) public charity, based here in Connecticut, with students around the world -- five continents and counting!
Youth Journalism International (http://www.youthjournalism.org/) got its start in Bristol in 1994. YJI connects teen writers, artists and photographers with peers around the globe, teaches journalism, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and promotes and defends a free youth press.
We do not charge students to participate, and it's a great way for them to learn about journalism and each other. A large body of our students' work can be seen in the award-winning, independent, online teen newspaper, http://www.readthetattoo.com/.
You can check out YJI's ratings, as described by students, alumni, parents, grandparents and professionals, at http://www.greatnonprofits.org/.
If you care about Bristol, please keep an eye on the Bristol Blog (http://www.bristoltoday.com/), which is Steve's work blog. Despite the often nasty anonymous comments that follow his posts, there is still a lot there for interested readers.
If you care about our world, the future of journalism or young people -- or if you just want to keep tabs on what the next generation has to say, please support Youth Journalism International in whatever way you can. Definitely check out http://www.yjiblog.org/. Become a follower! :)
Thank you all.