Thursday, November 11, 2010

Things I Can't Explain

For reasons I cannot say, I have stopped writing about the work I do for The Bristol Press and the events and people of Bristol, Connecticut.

I wish it were different, and when I am able to resume Extra B.S., I will. Readers can still reach me by clicking on the email link to the right.

Thanks to all of you who put eyeballs on Extra Big Scoop. I truly appreciate it.

Anyone who is interested in continuing to follow what I have to say is invited and encouraged to visit, which is the official blog of Youth Journalism International. I do a lot of posting there.

As you may know, YJI, founded by myself and my husband Steve Collins, is an educational, non-profit organization, a 501(c)(3) public charity, based here in Connecticut, with students around the world -- five continents and counting!

Youth Journalism International ( got its start in Bristol in 1994. YJI connects teen writers, artists and photographers with peers around the globe, teaches journalism, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and promotes and defends a free youth press.

We do not charge students to participate, and it's a great way for them to learn about journalism and each other. A large body of our students' work can be seen in the award-winning, independent, online teen newspaper,

You can check out YJI's ratings, as described by students, alumni, parents, grandparents and professionals, at

If you care about Bristol, please keep an eye on the Bristol Blog (, which is Steve's work blog. Despite the often nasty anonymous comments that follow his posts, there is still a lot there for interested readers.

If you care about our world, the future of journalism or young people -- or if you just want to keep tabs on what the next generation has to say, please support Youth Journalism International in whatever way you can. Definitely check out Become a follower! :)

Thank you all.