Thursday, April 29, 2010

Meet Moyeka

Here's Moeka, the Japanese ducky. She's named after a little girl I knew some years ago. I think Moeka would have a blast at the duck race on Sunday. Come to think of it, she'd probably have a great time being part of Youth Journalism International if she knew about that, too.
But I lost touch with Moeka when she and my daughter headed off to different schools some years ago, so I can't appeal to her on either account, but I can appeal to you, readers, to come out to the sixth annual Duck Race on the Pequabuck.
The festival is sponsored by the Forestville Village Association and the Central Connecticut Chambers of Commerce. It runs from 11 a.m. to about 3 p.m., with the race at 2.
It's a great time, so come to the center of Forestville and check it out.
While you're there, find me at the booth for Youth Jouranalism International, where you can get a free temporary duck tattoo of your choice and admire all our sweet little international ducks and chat with some of our young writers.

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